Well, the journey to Bled in the Julian Alps region of Slovenia was definitely interesting. After jumping on and off trains at various tiny stations through the south of Austria (sometimes with only minutes to spare), we found ourselves, 6 hours later, at a tiny train station in the mountains, overlooking a beautiful lake. Unfortunately, it was about 4km to the town and our hire car pick up place, and not a taxi in sight. By this time it was about 5:30pm on Easter Sunday. Karina finally convinced the scary station man to call a taxi in return for 1 euro. The taxi finally came and we were very relieved to find ourselves at the Europcar Office in Bled. Until we found out that it was closed and there was no one there. But after a few phone calls, and thanks to a few very friendly Slovenians, we discovered that the lovely man from Europcar had driven to the other station in Bled to pick us up and had been waiting there! So he came back, and we got our car, so it all worked out in the end.
We drove to our lovely little guest house right on the river, called Reka Hisa (River House), run by an English man and Filipino lady. From our bedroom window we had a beautiful view of the river. Every evening we had a fabulous home-cooked dinner, sitting around the big dining room table with all the other guests (3 other couples, comprising 3 Australians, a French girl, and English guy and a South African girl). The hosts were also amazingly helpful in helping us plan our time in Bled. If you ever find yourself in this part of the world, you can`t go past Reka Hisa for hospitality.
The next day, we drove to the less touristy Lake Bohinj, and went for a big walk, then had a giant platter for lunch by the lake, with one of the couples we were staying with at Reka Hisa. In the afternoon, after pushing another van out of some gravel that it had gotten bogged in, we braved the (very tame) rapids of the Sovec River and went white water rafting. It was just us and the instructor, so it was a good introduction to rafting, and we hope to do it again some day with a bigger group and bigger rapids! Simon jumped off a bridge 7 metres above the river, and we both went swimming in the water which was FREEZING.
On our last day in Bled, we sadly said goodbye to Reka Hisa, and drove the car on to a train for a journey through the mountains. Out the other side, we drove through the vineyard area of Slovenia on the way to see some caves, but when we got to the caves, we decided to ditch that plan, and headed for the beach instead!
Hi there guys,
Sounds like you're having an absolutely wonderful time and seeing some very spectacular parts of the world. We're very much enjoying reading about your adventures and following your travels. Glad to hear that you're meeting lots of very nice and helpful people. Keep having fun!!
Lots of love,
Sheryn & Vince
Hi Simon and Karina,
Your trip sounds awesome and definately makes me want to see Eastern Europe. Nana and Grandpa Tom are here at the moment and they have shown us your itinerary - Uncle Peter printed out all your entries so they are keeping up-to-date with your trip!
They say hello and say keep having a good time and we'll catch up with you when you come home.
I hope that the rest of the trip goes well - especialy Italy and France so we can chat about it next time I see you. If you get a chance, go to the Palace of Versailles (just outside of Paris) which I thought had just the most amazing gardens in the entire world...
Anyhow, take lots of photos and mum and dad also say hi, and we will see you when you get back. Nana says stay safe, have fun and take care!
Love Nana, Grandpa Tom, Doreen, Terry and Sarah xoxoxoxo
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